9 Surprising Ways to Stay Healthy when Working from Home

Stay Healthy when Working from Home

Last updated on July 2nd, 2021 at 05:34 pm

Something is satisfying about working from the comfort of your own home.

These days, more people are enjoying the benefits of working from home.

According to Forbes Magazine, 30 million Americans work from home at least once a week.

This number is expected to rise by 63 per cent in the next five years.

Despite the numerous advantages of having a permanent home office it’s sometimes hard to stay happy and healthy while working from your house.

it’s easy to skip your workouts, regular meals, social interaction, and even sleep if you don’t consciously structure your environment to promote healthy habits.

Here’s the good news that there are ways to stay healthy when working from home isn’t tough at all.

1. Create an Impressive Working Area :

When choosing an area of your home to work in, consider factors like location, lighting, noise level, and physical comfort.

Use a space in your home that’s designated solely for work.

Set up a home office with a door that you can close if you need to drown out the noise of your pets, kids or TV to keep sane and remain productive and professional.

2. Get A Good Chair :

Make sure your chair is comfortable.

Good posture is important.

you don’t want to have to strain your back or neck while hunched over your computer screen.

Choose a chair that’s comfortable, but not too comfortable.

An ergonomically sound chair that will keep you properly aligned throughout the day.

3. Set Schedule Work :

It’s critical to create a structure for your day.

It can be difficult to establish a set schedule when you’re working from home.

It can be tempting to wake up late and work at odd hours.

But you will benefit your mental health and the quality of your work by setting a schedule as if you were going into the office.

Scheduling your workdays and hours on a regular, consistent basis can help you organize your thoughts and keep you from over-working.

The inconsistent schedule makes it hard for your body to adjust to a normal working structure. Routines help build efficiency and momentum, improving your overall mood throughout the week.

4. Take Blissful Break :

Taking a walking break every hour can help you refocus on work, especially when you find yourself having a mental block.

Stand up and pace around during conference calls if you have them or take a break occasionally to stroll around the house.

Do a few stretches or lift some light hand weights.

Pausing to notice these small joys is like a quick dose of meditation.

A walking break can happen in your house for a few minutes or a 10-minute stroll around the block.

5. Schedule for Workout :

The good thing about working from home is that your schedule is a bit more flexible.

So you can choose when to work out.

Remember it’s easy to skip workouts when you’re hustling from home.

But making time for a solid sweat session has mental and physical health benefits.

Slot your workout for the early morning before or after work hours.


Add it somewhere in the middle of the day when you start to feel antsy

Workouts can also help lower your stress levels and increase your energy.

It can help you stay focused and disciplined.

6. Prepare Meals and Healthy Snacks :

Nutrition is very important to stay focused, energized, and productive throughout the day.

You might be tempted to eat whatever unhealthy foods you have in your kitchen when you’re working from home.

Stock your fridge and pantry with fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.

To minimize temptation and prevent overeating or munching on cereal for lunch plan your meals ahead of time and pre-portioning healthy snacks.

keep the candy and junk food out of sight.

7. Drink Water :

Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Dehydration may lead to fatigue and headaches which may compromise productivity.

Aim to 3 to 4 litres of water each day.

Important step stays healthy when working from home.

8. Get Dressed :

You might be tempted to forgo the shower and lounge around in your pyjamas all day.

But this isn’t a good recipe for productivity.

Shower before you start working and put on something other than pyjamas to get out of the lazy mindset.

Feeling competent isn’t just about productivity:

Research has shown that self-efficacy has a positive impact on health behaviours, including weight control and exercise.

9. Maintain a Shutdown Time :

In a traditional office setting, you know it’s the end of the workday when you pack up your things and head home.

But when you’re already home, the line between work and “home” time can blur.

Track your hours and keep yourself accountable.

Don’t let work bleed over into your personal time or vice versa.

Avoid working on weekends if you can, and keep an eye on how much time you’re spending on work every day.

Your shutdown ritual can be as simple as closing your laptop and storing it out of sight, or doing something more involved

Don’t let the comfort and familiarity of the home get in the way of your work productivity or your health.

By organizing and scheduling your work and home tasks you can stay healthy when working from home.

To establish a healthy balance that will make your work and your body happy.

Conclusion :

In this article, I have shared stay healthy when working from home.

And I am sure the tips are simple enough to follow by most of us.

In fact, I personally try to follow them in my day-to-day life.

So if you can take action to stay healthy when working from home, you can surely start reaping the benefits within days.

Please share it with your beloved ones who might find it helpful.

It takes only a few seconds to share.

Finally, let me know what do you think about this article on how to stay healthy when working from home by leaving a quick comment below in the comment box.

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 work from home FIC: Pixabay


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About the Author: Moumita Jana

Moumita is the Editor-in-Chief here at BlissLife. She is also the H.R. Head at Amazing Electronics. She loves to Cook and Travel the World in her leisure time.


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