Last updated on September 26th, 2023 at 01:03 pm
The importance of herd immunity is at its peak these days.
The article highlights the benefits of consuming zinc-rich food and its usefulness in defeating corona.
Strong immunity is always a blessing to our health.
During the worldwide pandemic situation, we are in more need of it.
This can happen through proper diet and some healthy habits followed sincerely.
You might have tried out several recipes already at home.
Today, let us discuss how beneficial zinc-rich food can be for this purpose.
Zinc activates 300 enzymes.
Enzymes help in cell division, healing cuts, and wounds, synthesize protein, boosting our immune system, etc.
This nutrient has a lot to do with keeping your body fit.
But because the human body does not produce zinc, it must be obtained through food and supplements.
The article highlights the benefits of consuming zinc-rich food and its usefulness in defeating corona.
Why It is Important?
Zinc is an essential nutrient that has a constant need in our diet.
The human body does not produce or store this nutrient naturally.
A proper diet is vital for that.
Zinc is found naturally in a wide range of plant and animal food.
Zinc can help us with genetic expression, immune system, enzymatic reaction, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, growth & development.
Zinc is added to some lozenges, nasal sprays, and cold treatment.
Nonetheless, zinc is an essential mineral that is useful for your body in many ways.
After iron, zinc is the second mineral to be most abundantly present in every cell of our body.
Zinc is essential for more than 300 enzymes that aid in metabolism, nerve function, digestion, and many other processes that keep the body’s function going well.
Besides that Zinc helps developing function.
Need of The Hour for The World:-
Doctors are yet to invent any particular medicine that can boost immunity.
As we are facing a pathetic pandemic situation across the world, all are positively advised to increase immunity through dietary and lifestyle habit changes.
A good immune system will help to prevent further sickness and keep one fit.
Zinc plays a significant role in our body function.
Be it immunity-boosting, synthesizing protein, contributing to enzymatic reaction, growth & development- zinc does it all.
Recent studies have shown that zinc potentially inhibits Covid 19 as it blocks an enzyme.
Before this, zinc had been found to have immuno-nutrient properties.
These properties work well against viral infection.
If you lack zinc, you may develop unexpected weight loss, weak immunity, appetite loss, low alertness, etc.
Lacking zinc in your body might show effects on your face itself!
Problems of dull skin and visible large pores are noted.
Role in Reducing Corona Virus Risk:-
Zinc-rich food has the essential micronutrient.
It helps in cell survival and cell growth.
Zinc acts as a messenger to the immune system.
Zinc functions as an intracellular signal molecule for the defense cells of our body.
It also reduces cytokines level which is a harmful element.
Zinc influences the production of cells that fight.
Non-vegetarian foods are a greater source of zinc than that vegetarian dishes.
Foods to Eat to Fight Against Covid 19:-
According to the USDA- United States Department of Agriculture, an egg has 0.6 mg.
A whole egg contains a good amount of zinc.
An egg contains 5% of DV.
Egg also provides a host of other healthy nutrients like vitamin B, proteins, healthy fats, selenium, etc.
Eggs contain some moderate amounts of zinc.
So you can have 2 eggs a day on a daily diet.
One at morning breakfast and another at lunch or at evening tiffin time.
Shellfish are low in calories and rich in zinc.
Oyster contains the highest zinc content than that of other food items.
This nutrition-rich seafood is testy to your tongue and healthy for your gut.
They are packed with the virtue of Vitamin B12.
This vitamin is good for the nervous system.
We must keep our nerves cool to deal with the covid 19 situations.
So besides physical health, it will do good for mental strength as well.
Cashews are delicious culinary nuts with 14% of DV in a 2mg amount packed with vitamins.
In every 100grams of cashew, there is 5mg of zinc.
These rich nuts are massively used in fancy dishes as zinc-rich food.
Especially in sweets and desserts.
Eating raw nuts is good.
You can use cashew when you bake a cake, make korma, prepare a milkshake, in snacks and toasts.
These food items are the most favorite of children and teen members of the family.
Cashew is used in making chicken items, fried rice for your lunch and dinner on your special days.
Pumpkin seeds, Flax seeds:
Pumpkin and flax seeds are healthy snacks.
These seeds have potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
The fatty acid in it contains beneficial nutrients such as squalene, sterols, tocopherols.
It is good for bone health, diabetes, and heart health.
As good heart condition is need of the hour these days.
We should include the seeds in our diet.
Chicken is a strong source of lean protein.
It contributes to the growth of muscles.
Little do we know that it is a good source of zinc also.
Red meat is an excellent source of zinc.
Beef, pork, tofu, lamb fall into that category.
A 100-gram of red meat serves the stomach with 44 percent of zinc intake.
Include any meat you like in your daily diet.
It is better to cook meat with little spice if taken daily.
Meat stew is a good recipe to add to the menu.
Crab and Lobster:
These seafood are excellent sources of zinc. 3 ounces of cooked crab and boiled lobster provide 43 % of the daily value.
These seafood are mostly healthy for the heart. Besides immunity, a healthy heart condition is vital to fight against corona.
Corona gets a cure but the mental condition of the patient ruins during the isolated treatment period.
A tasty dish of crab & Lobster might help them feel good.
Legume is a plant-based food with a substantial amount of zinc.
Chickpea, lentils, beans are a few legumes to add to your daily diet.
Nonetheless, legumes are common in Indian diets.
These are commonly cooked in our household.
160 grams of chickpeas contains 2.5 mg zinc, 100 gm of lentils have up to 5 mg of zinc, a 180 gm of beans contains 5 mg zinc.
Legumes are taken with rice and chapatis in the Indian diet.
Chickpea is an old-world pulse.
It has been traditionally incorporated into a culinary creation.
There is a 3.43 mg amount of zinc in 100-gram chickpeas.
Chickpeas can be added to a sandwich, salad, and soups.
Chickpeas have fiber, vitamin B, potassium, iron, and zinc.
This food improves heart condition.
A cup of 70mg chickpeas helps with the brain and nervous system.
A mushroom- chickpea ragout on bread toast will be a great choice for breakfast.
Dark Chocolate:
This oh-so-tasty item is loaded with zinc.
There is 3.3 mg of zinc in a hundred grams of dark chocolate.
This is a zinc-rich food anyone would love to eat.
Dark chocolates are fat-free so, there is no tension of weight gain.
It has flavonoids that act as antioxidants.
Eating dark chocolate keeps our blood pressure under control.
Also a good food for a healthy heart.
Chocolate keeps our mood happy.
Have one if you feel bored staying at home and the situation around is not so pleasant at all.
The zinc in fruits is different than animal-sourced zinc.
For vegetarian people who do not eat meat, eggs, fruits are an option.
In our daily diet, the need for zinc is 11mg.
But people who follow a plant-based diet only should have 30mg of zinc every day.
Avocado, pomegranate, blackberry, raspberries, cantaloupes, guava, apricot, kiwifruit, peaches, blueberries are zinc reach fruits.
A cup full of these fruits may provide 2-12% of daily zinc needs.
Yogurt or curd is a tasty gut-healthy food to eat.
The probiotic elements in it are said to cure the viral infection.
The respiratory system gets affected by the influenza virus.
Curd can help to help in this issue and lower the chances of cold and caught further.
Curd is a lactic food to boost immunity.
Though not a direct zinc-rich food, the curd is a tasty and healthy dessert to have after lunch.
Curd helps in better digestion.
So the best part of eating curd is that all the other food you eat gets smoothly digested in your stomach.
So these are some of the Zinc-rich food to fight against corona.
Here in this article, we tried to discuss the importance of Zinc in our diet and how it helps us to boost immunity.
As the worst situation is going on in the country and worldwide, we must be extra careful to avoid the disease.
In case anybody gets affected by the covid 19 viruses, he is supposed to be strong enough to overcome them.
Every possible precaution is a welcome step now.
Get vaccinated and follow the social norms of the covid.
Sooner or later, we will overcome the pandemic.
Till then eat healthy stay safe.
If the article enriches your understanding of the above topic, the purpose of writing would be fulfilled.
Finally, let us know what do you think about this article on zinc-rich food to fight against corona by a quick comment below in the comment box.
Very significant during this crisis. Nice thought to post on such a vital matter
Good content with full of information.।।।Going to plan my family diet definitely keeping these things in mind
Good content with full of information.।।।Going to plan my family diet definitely keeping these things in mind.।।।
This article is informative, decent and detailed.. Helpful for me.
This article is informative, decent and detailed. Author has put her efforts to make it totally perfect.
The article is very helpfull and informative during the crisis.Well done.
Very effective and useful suggestions.. Good effort my frnd
Yes Zinc work great in boosting immunity. thanks a lot for sharing this exhaustive list of zinc rich food. it is really great that you have include both veg and meat options both. indeed helpful during these hard days of pandemic, when we all want to keep our immune system healthy.
Very informative post dear. Zinc supplements are very necessay specially during these times. Will surely try are bring more of the zinc supplements in my famlies diet😊
Zinc is a key ingredient in boosting immunity. This is awesome. I never knew that curd and chickpeas had zinc
Such a detailed and helpful post. Thank you so much for sharing the food items with zinc.
Dark chocolate is an easy way tiningeat zinc. Kids would love them and we can easily make them have it.
I never knew that curd and chickpeas had zinc.thank you so much for the information..it is much helpful.
herd immunity… This is a new term that I get to know from your bog. Importance of Zinc am well aware but you gave some close glimpse on the subject which gave me more information on the subject.
Yes, the balance of nutrition is very important to keep our immunity high .. Being vegetarian, flex seeds are imp part of our diet to increase the zinc intake
The only way to fight and defeat coronavirus is a strong immunity and that can happen through a proper diet . Zinc is a nutrient that people need to stay healthy.
Zinc has truely become one of the most important nutrients these days. Thanks for giving us so many food options that contain so much zinc☺️👍