Last updated on March 6th, 2022 at 10:37 am
This word comes under the relationship category.
Well, in most cases.
However, we can have a better understanding of this word.
So that, we can make our lives even better.
Here’s how:
In our day-to-day work, we often get “busy” with tasks.
But most of us cannot manage to get “engaged” with our tasks.
Getting busy and getting engaged is not the same.
We can be busy with many.
But we cannot be engaged with many.
At least, at the same time.
Interestingly, that one “engaged” person often becomes our better half.
That one “engaged” person becomes our life partner.
That one “engaged” person makes our life worth living.
One “engaged” task gives us far better results than lots of “busy” tasks.
I hope, you got my point.
So, we should focus on getting engaged with our tasks.
Or, we should do one task at a time with the highest possible speed and accuracy.
This practice will definitely improve our productivity and way of living.
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