Last updated on September 26th, 2023 at 12:47 pm
Simplifying life helps us to create more time and less stress.
Living with less or minimalism is a way of life where you live with the most important things that really matter.
People tend to love the idea of “the more the better”.
That is not correct always in the truest sense.
Many times it’s quality over quantity.
Opting for a minimalist lifestyle is about changing some of your important habits mindfully.
As people are becoming more aware of their purchasing habits, this lifestyle is becoming more popular.
The “less is more” mindset is actually doing much good to people.
Let’s discuss.
Benefits of Living with Less:-
The benefits of choosing a minimalist living are numerous.
It creates more space in life, both physically and mentally.
The spirit feels freer as you tend to stay less attached to the material world.
You save more money for the future rainy days because now you don’t spend it mindlessly.
As you reduce your overall consumption as an individual, you let other people have their share of earthly belongings.
The world is always sufficient for a man’s need but never for a man’s greed.
‘Living with less‘ influences the much-needed balance in wealth acquiring strategy.
This is a lifestyle that has some in-depth qualities to bring sound changes both in one’s life and to other people surrounding him.
But this attitude is needed to be cultivated.
We will focus on some of the insanely practical ways of living with less.
1. Change the Way You Think:-
As said by Jackie French Koller- “There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.”
Minimalist people opt for the second one.
Banish the idea of pursuing more.
We invest a majority effort to conquer things of our desire.
Deep down we all know life is larger than commodities around.
Nurture the softer things in life.
Peace of mind, civic sense, gratitude, integrity, spirituality.
It may sound a bit philosophical but is useful in a broader sense.
There comes a time when it is no more about earthly achievements only.
How we make each other feel says a lot about us.
In fact, this determines the quality of ours as an individual.
2. Declutter Your Belongings:-
Make a list of the things that you actually need.
Now separate those with the extras.
It might take you 1 or 2 weeks to decide what you truly want to keep and what are not that necessary.
Make 3 piles- what you want to keep, what you want to donate, and what you through away.
The unused clothes, the books you don’t read anymore, the extra set of shoes are the things you can donate to those who might find the things useful.
Put ads for second-hand things on online and offline platforms.
What you might not need may reach out to those who find those useful.
This way the utility value of those old things will not be wasted.
Paper documents that are no longer important, broken furniture, torn clothes, old plastic items are few things that are of no use but can be recycled.
Find out the things and send them for recycling.
It is a way better idea than through them in the garbage.
3. Prioritize the Valuable Matters:-
Things that distract you from the most important things of value are always avoidable.
For example, a brand new setup of gaming may interrupt your concentration on studies and work.
Therefore, it’s a not so important thing to include in life.
There are cyber cafes in your locality if you really feel the urge to play games in your free time!
Living with less is an idea that requires better and mature understanding.
The less demanding attitude demands a sense of prioritizing values over commodities.
A sheer sense of fulfillment with what you have is the root of living with less attitude.
It is called minimalism.
Spend more time with people who love you regardless of your social status.
It includes your immediate family and some close friends.
The world is judgmental and opinionist.
Therefore, worldly perception tends to change with time.
4. Less is Better:-
A lifestyle can’t change overnight.
It needs a bit of practice.
Practice choosing quality over quantity.
Instead of gathering random commodities, buy things that go well in the long run.
A thing made out of better materials is always cost-effective.
Some solid belongings are precious and worth owning than a lot of little things.
This way ‘living with less‘ makes more sense.
For example, a bed made of some real good wood is most likely to sustain for longer than a fancy-looking lightweight one trending recently in the market.
Hence, choosing things is a matter you should put more focus on in this regard.
Not only can we live without a lot of things but also be happier and more fulfilled.
Make a choice instead of just accepting what comes your way.
One has to be firm in the decisions one makes.
In the oceans of offers and availability, “live with less” is an attitude that requires characteristic strength.
A sheer sense of integrity would be good.
Ask me how?
It makes you a better decision-maker and lets you decide what really matters over others.
This leaves an impact on your eating habits, dressing sense, the house you live in, your career choice, way of entertainment, how you spend time, choice of friends you let be in life.
A wise choice influences the overall lifestyle.
Being in a position where you can acquire all that you wish is a matter of good luck.
Choosing a minimalist lifestyle is what you take by yourself where you pick experience over things.
You collect memories and stories to tell over things to show.
6. Use It Many Ways:-
Sharing is caring.
Minimalist people love doing it.
You can share your clothes, books, accessories, even the apartment with the one you trust.
This allows you to enjoy things without owning them all by yourself.
Be it a little or a big thing, a commodity’s utility value is often more than it actually is used.
Shared usage is often as useful as shared ideas.
For example, exchanging books spread more knowledge to people.
Repetitive usage of things is another practical way.
For example, a mere plastic bottle of clod drink can be cut into shape and be used as a hanging tub for your home gardening.
Old colorful papers and clothes, cardboards, tulips can also be used to make home décor items and handmade art crafts.
A showpiece made by your own hand and ideas is closer to you and to your dear ones than the one you buy from the market.
This adds value to the idea of “living with less“.
7. Some More Things to Do:-
There seems never to be enough storage space in the kitchen.
Our grandmothers used to cook way elaborately and tasty than we do today.
We need fewer cooking utensils than we currently own.
When it comes to cooking, simple is better.
A no-frills kitchen still cooks.
Today’s lifestyle has less to do with televisions.
We mostly use smartphones to watch things of our choice.
What if you give away the TV set to those who don’t have access to smart devices and the internet like our elders.
Some other things like the antic Almira, cabinets, storage boxes, pantries are a few things you can donate or sell.
Things that are no longer in use for you can be pretty useful for elderly ones.
So, these are some 7 insanely practical ways for living with less and stay happy.
We tried sharing some ideas to simplify the concerning lifestyle.
If this serves you a better understanding of the above topic, our purpose of writing would be fulfilled.
Finally, share your opinion and thoughts regarding the same.
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Wow, loved this post on minimalism. Living with less has to become our motto for peaceful and satisfactory life. Being an eco- blogger I try my best to go sustainable and zero-waste living. I have been following many of ur tips like buy less, declutter, prioritizing the valuables, and even sharing. The real issue comes when we need to convince others, but I keep on trying it in every step.
I don’t believe in collecting unnecessary stuff. To me quality is important than quantity. There were occasions when I had to make a choice between need and want and I am happy that I never did impulsive buying.
The spirit feels freer as you tend to stay less attached to the material world, this is so true. I have tried to teach this to kids also. I have been following most of your tips and because of this living in a pandemic made it easy. ✌nicely penned.
Living with less has become important as the current pandemic situation may be a sign towards something huge and for that we need to stay prepared. So, I loved all your points and will surely try to implement them.
I strongly believe in all pointers you have shared here and try to follow these in my practical life as well. desire for materialistic things are never ending and it often creates a state of vacuum at the end, despite spending more. living with less is indeed a great idea to stay happy and self content.
Leading a life with less desires is one the best mantra to have a content and happy life. Practising these pointers may take sometime and decluttering often gives us peace of mind.
This is a very inspiring post written by you. We should start living in less, that will give us reason to smile more frequently. I love all the points mentioned by you
This is such a beautifully penned and we’ll detailed post. Thanks for sharing this. I always try to follow minimalist lifestyle.
This is really an awesome post. And I think most of the people have even realised this during the pandemic. Less is more and this helps us in valuing what we have. Great one.
7 insanely practical ways for living with less and stay happy- One of the best article I read this week for sure. Thanks for coming up with such new topics which soothes my mind completely
When you actually think about it, you realize how little you need to lead life. We get caught in a maze woven by society and our own desires and keep running perpetually from one desire to another.
Going towards minimalism could be the most beautiful part of your life. Decluttering, focussing on using things in multiple ways helps you a lot.
Great points you’ve got there! While me and my family’s lifestyle is far from being minimalist, we try teach our daughters in our small little ways how to live in simple ways. By making sure they got the right balance of having a good life yet not forgetting to let them understanding the value of the things they get receive.
This is so true 👏👏👏 I believe Happiness stays in small things. Beautifully penned down this article good job 👍
We always aim towards materialistic comfort, that ultimately affects our inner mental peace. This post is a eye opener. Minimalism is the best way to opt for a peaceful and simple life.
Learning to stay happy with what we have in life is the best way to feel content with life. As a life coach I completely agree with you💃🙂
Couldn’t agree more. Happiness lies in small things. Decluttering is a great habit. I just enjoy doing that. You penned important tips to enjoy living with less. Great post
Happiness is always lying in small small things .and we human beings need to understand this factor . Your pointers are gonna help for sure in this case .