Last updated on June 11th, 2021 at 04:07 pm
What Makes Decent Parent?
A good parent always makes a decision depending on their child’s interest.
A good parent doesn’t mean that you have to be excellent with perfection.
No child is perfect either.
It is important to keep this in mind when we set our expectations.
But it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t work towards that goal.
We should set high standards for ourselves first and then for our children as well.
We need to serve as a role model for them.
Here are 9 tips on learning effective parenting skills.
1. Nurture Your Child’s Self-Esteem :
The children begin to develop as babies when they see themselves through the eyes of their parents.
The tone of voice, body language, and expression are taken up by your children.
Your words and actions (as a parent) affect their own development more than anything else.
Harsh comments or comparisons with other children may feel your child valueless.
Choose your words very correctly and be understanding.
Your kid should know that make mistakes are common for all human being.
You love them always in any circumstances, even if you do not like any behavior.
Allow them to do their work independently.
Moreover, it will boost their confidence levels which will help further.
2. Catch Kids Being Good :
Try to act positively with your child.
Your negative behavior, frequent criticism, and constant demoralization adversely bring down your child’s esteem.
Did you ever notice how many times you acted negatively to your baby in a day?
Whenever you find your child doing something praiseworthy say good things about him/her.
Make your child feel as if he or, she is the best child in the world.
Give them compliments as they can do wonders in boosting their morale.
3. Set Limits and Be Firm With Your Discipline :
Be disciplined and a little rigid in your household.
Yes. It is a part of effective parenting.
Discipline is vital in aiding children to adopt acceptable social behaviors.
Household disciplinary rules include doing homework properly, avoiding name-calling, no hitting and teasing others, etc.
As these, all are socially unacceptable conducts.
4. Take Out Time For Your Kids :
Having busy and hectic schedules, it is seen that parents often hardly spend any quality time with their babies.
Parents must make time for the child, have outings, ensure you have at least one meal a day together, go on walks, vacations, etc. with your kids.
And see your relationship bloom.
Spending even a few minutes every day with your kid can do miracles for your kid.
Your company enhances his/her confidence and improves his/her personality.
It is seen that kids not getting adequate attention from their parents misbehave more often and are more aggressive.
5. As a Good Example :
Another vital corner of effective parenting.
Children learn a lot from how their parents behave and act with others.
Young children are more prone to picking cues from your behavior.
Avoid shouting and behaving angrily in front of kids as they are also going to behave similarly.
And remember, you are a role model for your kids and they watch you constantly.
So behave properly and decently.
6. Open Communication Area :
There are times when children do not follow what you want them to do.
Be patient in such situations.
And try to give them simple explanations as to why you want them to do.
Alternatively, you can also ask your child to suggest a solution to a problem.
Also, be open to your child’s suggestions.
Because this creates a sense of responsibility and involvement in them.
Remember kids participating in making decisions are more encourage than carrying them out.
7. Adjust Your Parenting Style :
Do not feel ‘let down’ if your child does not meet up to your expectations.
The environment plays an important role in how your child behaves and reacts to you.
If you are constantly saying “no” to your 2 years old child and expecting the perfect behavior from him/her, things might go a little out of your hands, from time to time.
And finally, this will mitigate frustrations for both you and the baby.
With time, you need to gradually change effective parenting.
Chances are, what works with your child now, might not work after one or, two years from now.
8. Show Your Love Is Unconditional :
Your child requires proper guidance and being a parent it is your utmost duty to correct your kid wherever and whenever needed.
Effective parenting says there is no such thing as loving your child too much.
Loving them cannot spoil them.
Only what you choose to do in the name of love can — things like a material indulgence, leniency, low expectation, and over-protection.
You may have a spoiled child when these things are given in place of real love.
Love your child is as simple as spending time with them, listen to them properly, hug them many times, boost them when it needs.
Feel-good hormones get trigger by these activities which make them feel happy.
This chemical is highly connected to productivity, attention, mood conditions, and sleep regulation.
This leads to maintaining a good relationship, calmness, and excellent bonding.
9. Have Faith in Your Child :
Build confidence and faith in your child’s abilities and do not hesitate in expressing it to him.
For example, if he is weak in studies, encourages him, and tells him that you know he can easily learn his lessons.
If he tells you something, instead of dismissing his statements, probe him further and tell him that your trust him but you need to know other facts as well.
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Conclusion :
Good parents must be open to adapt new styles of effective parenting, should not be too loving or too strict, and should be involved in their child’s life to foster nurtured, loved, and socially responsible adults.
Happy Parenting !!!