How to Create Your Own Diet Plan Even You Are Not a Nutrician (Step-by-Step)

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Last updated on June 11th, 2021 at 04:46 pm

Are you struggling to get your food habits right?

Then stop picking cookie-cutter diet plans.

Do some research, fix up some meals, and follow some simple guidelines.

Create your own diet plan and be on your way to either losing or maintaining weight.

This way you can waste your hard work in the gym by not knowing what you’re actually taking in and what’s right for you.

So Plan to Create Your Own Diet Plan Today with Me:

1. Understand Your Goal:

You need to have a specific goal you’re going to be working on.

Are you trying to lose weight, get tighter, have more muscle, or maintain your current weight?

This is your starting point on which you can base your food intake. Define it!

2. Calculate Requirements of Calories:

According to this personal goal, you can calculate how many calories you should consume daily, based on your current weight, size, age, and gender.

On the internet, you can find tons of websites that can give you the right amount.

1,600 to 3,200 calories per day for adults.

On average, most adults need about 2,000 calories.

To lose one 500 gm per week, cut 500 – 750 calories from your weekly diet.

1 kg per week will require anywhere from 1,000 – 1,500 calories less than your normal diet.

Activity levels have a huge impact on the number of calories you can consume.

Males can typically consume more without gaining weight.

For instance, if you’re sedentary, you might only be able to eat 1,800 calories without gaining weight; but if you’re very active, you might need 2,200.

3. Divide Your Healthy Diet:

When you know how many calories to take in, you can divide your total amount of protein, carbs, and fats per meal.

A good diet needs variety and balance.


Protein is composed of amino acids which are the building blocks of life.

Animal proteins contain a higher quality of protein than protein from plants because the amino acid profile has more similarity to the amino acid profile in your muscles.

Although plant-based proteins contain a less complete package of amino acids it can be a good idea to get some protein out of them, especially when you are a vegetarian.

It contains many vitamins (e.g. A & C), potassium, and fiber, with minimal negative aspects and numerous health benefits.

Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy options to satisfy your daily requirements.

Get 3 daily cups of any calcium-rich option like milk, cheese, or lactose-free dairy.


Carbs are sometimes thought to be “the enemy” by people trying to lose weight, but they play an important role in your health, especially in providing you with the energy to get through your day.

Choose complex carbs while creating your own diet plan that is lower in calories to get the most value out of your foods.

Complex carb-containing foods that are in their whole, unprocessed form.

Foods in this category include fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread, and legumes.

Avoid white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc.


Depending on the authority, fats should be 30% or less of your diet.

Knowing which fat is which can help a diet be successful.

Good fats in your diet should come from a variety of sources like sesame, olive, and canola oils, soybeans, and nuts.

You should also get omega-3 fatty acids from fish like salmon, tuna, and bluefish.

Avoid red meat fat, shortening, and butter.

4. Choose Healthy Mix:

A very obvious, but still very important step towards your best version of yourself is to get rid of junk food and prepackaged food!

Rather choose as many fresh/clean products as possible and incorporate veggies in your meal two to three times a day.

Focus on veggies, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains.

The best food schedule is a versatile one.

You don’t have to eat the same things each day, just find similar healthy options for you.

5. Split Meals and Snacks:

With that in mind, here’s what his intake will be for each meal

(Total for the day: 200g Protein, 360g carbohydrates, 80g fat)

Breakfast: 60g protein, 60g carbohydrates, 45g fat

Meal 3: 60g protein, 120g carbohydrates, 25g fat

Meal 3: 70g protein, 180g carbohydrates, 10g fat

You should write these down along with the time of day you eat them.

So that might be porridge and eggs for breakfast, chicken and sweet potato for lunch, salmon, and rice for dinner, fruit, and nuts for snacks, or something like that.

6. Construct This into a Daily Plan:

All that’s left to do is to write down or type out your meal plan.

Having this visual template of what you should be eating will give you something to consistently refer to.

You won’t need to track your macronutrients and calories every day, but instead, you’ve put in the groundwork and you can now just follow the plan to get you towards your goals!

You’ll only know progress via quantitative measurement.

Picking a goal weight, measurement, or shirt size may help determine how long you will need to be on your diet.

7. Limit Salt and Sugar:

While creating Your own diet plan remember this point.

Most skip it.

Too much salt (sodium) leads to fluid retention, which causes stress on the heart, and can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.

Some high-sodium foods to minimize are pizza, soups, taco mixes, and salad dressing.

Similarly, excess sugar leads to obesity and a litany of health-related issues.

Go for maple syrup, raw sugar, corn syrup, powdered sugar, brown sugar, and granulated sugar.

8. Research to Create Your Own Diet Plan:

Most of the industry-leading diet plans have been vetted by dieticians, doctors, and myriad other experts.

Look into the rules, restrictions, and science behind the diet to be sure it’s legitimate, and apply portions of those diets as a reference.

Some popular diet plans include Vegetarianism, Paleo, Zone diet.

Conclusion :

Life isn’t always straightforward.

Sometimes, you simply are thrown off your plan and need to be able to adapt.

Try to make food at home.

Try it for a while and evaluate what works and what could be adjusted.

In this article, I have shared 8 tips for how to create your own diet plan right away.

And I am sure the tips are simple enough to follow by most of us.

In fact, I personally try to follow them in my day-to-day life.

So if you can take action to create your own diet plan, you can surely start reaping the benefits within days.

Please share it with your beloved ones who might find it helpful. It takes only a few seconds to share.

Finally, let me know what do you think about this article on starting a diet plan by leaving a quick comment below in the comment box.

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About the Author: Moumita Jana

Moumita is the Editor-in-Chief here at BlissLife. She is also the H.R. Head at Amazing Electronics. She loves to Cook and Travel the World in her leisure time.


  1. I have recently just decided to go with the ketogenic diet and I have decided to have a diet plan. This is really helpful. Thank you so much!

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