Last updated on June 9th, 2021 at 12:36 pm
A diet based article that I love most to share with you all.
See if you are the one who follows my articles then you know that I have shared 5 articles on different food list in our nutrition category.
Today I will explain antioxidants rich foods with you.
Consider the list as superfood lists too.
What is the importance of our life? Lack of these foods will create any disease or not?
Well, I will definitely touch all points along with 10 antioxidants rich foods.
Yes, I will be sharing only those foods list which is very common in terms of availability and cost off course.
What is an antioxidant?
Antioxidants are substances or compounds that occur in certain foods (fruits and vegetables) naturally.
They worked as bodyguards for our cells by damage caused by oxidants.
Oxidants are free radicles.
It produced by our body while fighting against bacterias and viruses.
They are known as oxidative stress when oxidants are more many in numbers.
This may destroy your DNA and other important cells’ structure.
It will push us at a high-risk disease like heart trouble, diabetes and cancer.
Antioxidants are slowing down the signs of ageing, making your skin look youthful.
You may increase your oxidants count in number from external environment forms of pollution, smoking or drinking alcohol.
You need to balance antioxidants and oxidants for good health.
Thankfully, you can find antioxidants foods available around which can fight against oxidative stress.
Follow a good diet rich in antioxidants for a healthy and quality life.
Here are the Top 10 Antioxidants Rich Foods List.
1. Prunes :
Black plum fruits are loaded with high antioxidants. It has the superpower to protect bones from radiation.
Dried prunes have more antioxidants count of 7000+.
This magic fruit’s mix of polyphenols.
Which means it has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
This fruit is a non-dairy source of calcium.
2. Raisins :
A handful of raisin provides an instant antioxidants supply in your body.
It has three times more antioxidants than grapes.
Just use them in your smoothie, salad or garnish your breakfast.
Helps to protect against cancer and heart disease.
It is good for your immune system.
Raisins are loaded with vitamin c.
Read Also: Benefits of Grapes: Top 12 Reasons to Include Grapes in Your Light Meals
3. Onion :
Surely, the easiest way to take antioxidants into your body.
Eating raw onion daily can protect against lung and prostate cancer.
Raw onion has more antioxidants to fight against germs than cooked onion.
4. Spinach :
Spinach is rich in vitamin E, C and A.
It is loaded with magnesium and potassium.
Spinach is very low in calories.
It is high in antioxidants.
It protects your eyes from free radicals.
5. Broccoli Flower :
This vegetable has created a lot of noise in recent years.
Because of its cancer-fighting antioxidants.
Do not fry this vegetable.
The best way to consume broccoli is steam.
Steam broccoli has vitamin C and beta carotene properties.
No doubt it is the best source of antioxidants.
6. Beets :
Beets are a great source of fibre, potassium, iron and antioxidants.
Group of antioxidants called betalains.
which have been lots of health benefits.
Beets reduce the pain from osteoarthritis.
7. Eggplants :
Eggplants work magic for heart diseases.
All types of eggplant are rich in bitter chlorogenic acid.
That helps to fight against heart threatening disease like plaque in artery walls.
It is low in calories and cut the risk of high blood pressure.
Include eggplant in your daily diet as it is easily available in the Indian market.
8. Tomatoes :
Tomatoes are loaded with three types of antioxidants.
Lycopene (cause of red colour), Vitamin C and Vitamin A.
Easily available and cost-effective vegetable.
You can absorb lycopene from cooked tomatoes.
9. Berries :
Raspberries and strawberries contain ellagic acid.
Phytochemical that helps to protect against cancer-causing agents in the diet and the environment.
Blueberries consider as the best source of antioxidants in the diet.
The present of anthocyanine and other antioxidant help us from heart disease, maintain cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Blueberries delay the decline in brain function that happens with age.
10. Plums :
Pick the black kind to get 4873 antioxidants per serving.
Dried plums (prunes) offer slightly more.
More sources for antioxidants rich foods around us :
- Dark Chocolate
- Apple
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Kale
- Beans
- Pecans
- Orange
- Red bell pepper
- Barley
- Walnuts
Conclusion :
In this article, I have shared the top 10 antioxidants rich foods.
It is safe to conclude these foods as sources of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that materially help in preventing the development of cancer, allergies, high blood pressure, various heart-related ailments, and many more.
For greater health, make sure to have these foods on your dining table as always as possible.
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Really impressive informations. Thank you for writing.
Very useful information! Should try to include these in our daily lives
Antioxidants are key to good health thanks for this detailed article
This is amazing stuff…very helpful and informative
Much needed post in these times!!