Last updated on November 19th, 2020 at 09:03 pm

“” is a “Health & Wellness” blog by Amazing Electronics.
Since 2015, the blisslife has been a leading provider of trustworthy health and wellness information, empowering readers with practical strategies to improve their physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
With a problem-solving mission and holistic approach, we understand that everyone’s path to wellness is unique.’s real-life contents are not only just factually accurate and up to date, but also, they are also written in a friendly, easy-to-understand language which provides real-life context around complex information, and truly help readers to take important decisions about their health and wellness.
Team: is powered by a team of professional bloggers and editors who are not only passionate about blissful living but also highly trained in editing content on the latest health and wellness topics.
The‘s content production process includes a thorough editing and fact-checking protocol prior to publishing on the blog. Again, the published content is also periodically fact-checked and reviewed by the editors to ensure the information provided is accurate and up to date.
Although partially funded, sponsored and supported by advertising, our contents are created independently and held up to the mark for the highest possible standards regarding quality, accuracy, and integrity.
Occasionally, our sponsoring partners may be allowed input regarding broad concepts, but they hold no material influence over the final blog post.
Contents created in partnership with advertisers and sponsoring partners are clearly marked as such.
At, we always try our best to comply with the International HONCode Principles as briefed below:
1. Authority:
All medical or health advice published on this site will only be given by trained and qualified medical professionals unless a clear statement is made that the advice offered is from a non-medically qualified individual or organization.
2. Complementarity:
The information provided on this site is designed to support and not to replace the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and the patient’s/site visitor’s physician.
3. Privacy Policy:
Personal information about patients and visitors to a medical site, including their identity, is confidential. The website’s owners pledge to respect the legal requirements for medical information confidentiality applicable in the country in which the server (as well as any mirror sites) is located.
4. Attribution and Date:
The source of the information provided on the site is explicitly mentioned and includes, if possible, a hyperlink to the original source. The date of the last modification of the content must appear on the web page (for example, at the bottom of each page).
5. Justifiability:
Any claims relating to the benefits or performance of a particular treatment, product or commercial service will be supported with appropriate and balanced evidence and referenced according to principle 4 above.
6. Transparency:
The creators of the site aim to provide the information in a manner as transparent as possible and will provide contact information for visitors who seek further information or support. This address (email) must be clearly displayed on the website pages.
7. Financial Disclosure:
The financial support of a site must be clearly identified, including the identities of commercial and non-commercial organizations that provide funding, services, or materials for the site.
8. Advertising Policy:
The site will clearly indicate if advertising is a source of funding. The website owner will provide a brief description of the advertising policy adopted. Advertising and other promotional material will be clearly presented to the user to differentiate it from the information created by the institution managing the site.
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