Happiness is not the goal.
Yes. That is right.
However, a few people do not realize it in the first place.
Happiness is just another emotion that does not last long.
That is why wise people do not focus on being happy.
They focus on internal peacefulness instead.
And they are often the happiest people around us.
It implies that happiness is just a by-product of internal peacefulness.
To find internal peace, one must master the Cause & Effect Cycle.
Once someone attains enough knowledge about the Cause & Effect Cycle, life becomes easier for him or, her.
He or, she becomes more emotionally stable than before.
As a result, he or, she starts taking the right decisions in all the areas of life.
Soon, he or, she starts living the desired life.
Your daily blog makes me so happy and positive. It gives me a positive vibes in every situation and makes me strong internally.
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Such a thought provoking article! I never thought through this perspective. Loving your posts so much!
This is such a different approach. I like reading your blogs. And i agree to an extent that happiness is not the actual goal of the mind👍
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Very short yet meaningful post. Happy and sad are two friends and they can’t leave without each other and so visit our life when they wish too from time to time
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Well writing article and nice information. I agreed with points that happiness is not the actual goal of the mind. Thanks for sharing
Hi Diya,
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Happiness is a perspective. One cannot attain true happiness without having that peace within them and without being genuinely true to themselves. There’s truly tons of aspects to consider to say you’re happy. If I were to give any advice to anyone, it would surely be to go for contentment instead.
This is a very unique concept of Life which you have discussed here . Yes, happiness is not the main goal in mind . Well written.