Last updated on August 27th, 2021 at 09:36 am
What does PPT mean to you?
To most of us, PPT means PowerPoint presentation.
But in life, PPT means something different.
And far more important than PowerPoint presentations.
Because everyone should know the PPT Framework.
And we must practice it as much as possible every day.
So what exactly PPT Framework is?
The word PPT is the short form of 3 (three) different words.
They are:
- P – Place
- P – People and
- T – Time
And the PPT Framework is the virtual framework that guides our everyday activities according to Place, People, and Time.
We should carry out all of our days to day activities according to this PPT Framework.
Let me brief the matter below with a few relevant examples.
Firstly, you need to act according to the place you are in.
For example, you should not smoke in a public place; no matter how badly you want to smoke.
In that case, you should go ahead and find a suitable smoking zone if you are unable to resist smoking.
Secondly, you need to act according to the people you are surrounded by.
For example, in a job interview, you should not speak anything wrong about that particular company in front of the interview boards panel members.
Thirdly (and finally), you need to act according to the time.
You cannot do anything at any time.
For example, no matter how good your preparation is, if you cannot reach the examination hall at right time, all your efforts will go in vain, for sure.
I know you are smart enough to understand the PPT Framework from the examples given above.
That’s why we must work in accordance with this PPT Framework in life.
If you can master this framework, your emotional intelligence will be improved gradually.
As a result, you will feel more successful in life.
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