Last updated on June 11th, 2021 at 04:52 pm
You’ve most probably heard the advice that eating small meals throughout the day is how you win the battle of the bulge.
Portion control is a fairly easy way to lose or maintain your weight.
If you regularly eat large meals, your stomach’s distensibility will increase to accommodate the food.
If you instead eat only small amounts at a time, your stomach’s distensibility will decrease.
Sticking to eat small portions during meals may be tough at first, but once you begin, you’ll pick up the habit quickly!
This Article Contains 9 Great Tips to Eat Small Portions During Meals and Stay Fit.
1. Intake Large Portion of Vegetables and Fruits :
Vegetables have lots of filling water and fiber, but not a lot of calories.
Aim for at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
Try scaling down the portions of other foods and fill the rest of your plate with non-starchy vegetables.
Vegetables and lean protein contain fewer nutrients and more calories compared to fruits.
2. Measure Your Meal :
Serve yourself the amount you’d normally eat and measure it.
This will give you a definitive amount that you’re consuming.
Keep a set of measuring cups so you can accurately determine how much you’re eating.
These are also great tools to keep you on track long term to eat small portions during meals.
Really analyze how much you’re consuming at each meal.
Then, think about which parts you could reduce without diminishing your enjoyment of it.
3. Use Smaller Utensils :
Sound strange right?
But the size of your plates and eating utensils affects how much you eat.
The larger sized dishes and serving utensils you use, the more food you consume.
Try using the salad fork or a toddler fork to help decrease the amount of food per bite.
This will slow you down and force you to take your time with your meals.
It is basically trick to your brain into thinking you’re eating more.
4. Include Protein in Each Meal :
Protein increases feelings of fullness more than carbs or fat .
Take advantage of protein’s filling properties by including it in every meal and snack.
Focus on lean sources of protein like eggs, skinless poultry, dairy, seafood and fish.
Plant-based proteins are also good choices.
So you may include beans, bean dips, tofu and nut butters.
Include protein with each meal and snack to boost its power.
It will help you to eat small portions during meals.
5. Start Meal With Soup or Salad :
Sometimes it can be hard to eat small portions during meals.
So add some soup or salad before your meals.
That’s light, satisfying.
May help make you feel a little more full if you need to.
Light vegetable soups and salads have something in common.
They have a high water content.
They are full of fiber-rich veggies and are generally low in calories.
You to eat less of the main course as soup or salad takes the edge off your hunger.
6. Split Your Meals :
Make a habit of eating 6 times in a day.
Plan your meals so you’re never going more than two to three hours between a meal or snack.
For example, breakfast at 7am, morning snack at 10am, lunch at 1pm, snack at 4pm, dinner at 7pm.
Something very small like a square of dark chocolate before bed.
You may add few dry fruits before bed.
7. Add Spice :
Adding spic like hot pepper and ginger tea may help you to eat small portions during meals.
A compound in hot peppers called capsaicin can actually help reduce appetite and hunger.
Ginger may have a similar effect If you can’t take the heat.
8. Eat More Soluble Fiber :
Foods with soluble fiber like oatmeal, pears and beans, are particularly filling.
That’s because soluble fiber holds more water, giving it bulk.
Soluble fiber produces a thick gel that helps slow digestion, keeping hunger at bay.
9. Eat Slow and Mindfully :
It should take you at least 20 minutes to complete your meal.
It takes this amount of time for your brain to signal satisfaction and fullness.
Take a deep breath and try to mentally center yourself before you eat.
Stress and busy schedules can rush you through meals.
Take time to really enjoy your meal time.
The practice of paying full attention to what you eat without distractions is mindful eating.
It can also help you distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
Conclusion :
I have shared how to eat small portions during meals and stay fit in this article.
There are many things you can do to keep hunger at bay.
Try bulking up your portions with veggies, eating more protein or tricking your mind by using smaller plates.
These simple tips can help you control food portions without feeling hungry.
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