Last updated on August 4th, 2021 at 12:41 pm
Does your diet include magnesium?
Are you aware of the importance of magnesium in the diet?
Let me tell you,
Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body to maintain muscle and nerve function.
It is involved in at least 3000 biochemical reactions in the body.
It helps to keep the immune system healthy, maintains heart rhythm and builds strong bones.
Magnesium-rich foods have been found to increase heart health, help prevent stroke, and could even cut your risk of dying from a heart attack.
Here are 10 magnesium-rich foods try to incorporate more of these foods into your diet to get a magnesium boost.
1. Spinach (Raw/Cooked):
Dark, leafy greens are rich with nutrients, and spinach is no exception.
Cooked spinach contains the highest levels of magnesium out of all the green leafy vegetables.
This healthy and low calorie vegetable provides 24 milligrams of magnesium, amounting to 6% of the daily value.
You can also eat raw spinach leaves to increase the nutrient levels in your body.
Other green vegetables rich in magnesium are kale and lettuce.
These nutritional powerhouses also provide high levels of fiber, potassium, iron and protein.
2. Dark Chocolate:
Dark chocolate is as healthy as it is delicious.
It is often considered a bad choice due to its high sugar and calorie content.
Yet this indulgent treat can help you meet 24% of the daily-recommended allowance of magnesium.
Dark chocolate is very beneficial for the brain, heart and blood sugar.
It is also chock full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
To make the most of dark chocolate benefits, choose a product containing at least 70% cocoa solids.
A higher percentage is even better.
3. Avocados:
Avocado is well-known for its plethora of health benefits.
It inhibits the growth of certain cancers and prevents heart diseases and strokes.
Avocados are also high in potassium, B vitamins and vitamin K.
And unlike most fruits, they’re high in fat — especially heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.
Eating avocados can reduce inflammation, improve cholesterol levels and increase feelings of fullness after meals.
4. Bananas:
Among fruits, banana is one of the richest natural sources of potassium.
One medium sized banana provides 32 milligrams of magnesium.
Bananas are known to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.
In addition, bananas provide vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and fiber.
Ripe bananas are higher in sugar and carbs than most other fruits, so they may not be suitable for people with diabetes.
However, a large portion of the carbs in unripe bananas is resistant starch, which doesn’t get digested and absorbed.
5. Whole Grains:
Most whole grains are a good source of magnesium.
Other magnesium-rich foods include quinoa, millet, bulgur, wild rice, buckwheat, oats, and whole-wheat pasta.
Whole grains have been shown to reduce inflammation and decrease heart disease risk.
Use whole wheat instead of white flour for baking, and buy whole wheat bread at the store.
6. Nuts:
Tiny yet mighty, nuts can also help you reach your daily value of magnesium.
Types of nuts that are particularly high in magnesium include almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts.
Most nuts are also a good source of fiber and monounsaturated fat and have been shown to improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels in people with diabetes.
Brazil nuts are also extremely high in selenium.
nuts are anti-inflammatory, beneficial for heart health and can reduce appetite when eaten as snacks.
7. Seeds:
Seeds are incredibly healthy.
A 100 grams serving of squash and pumpkin seeds provides 534 milligrams of magnesium.
Pumpkin seeds are a particularly good source of magnesium.
Other magnesium-rich foods include sesame seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds.
Flaxseeds have also been shown to reduce cholesterol and may have benefits against breast cancer.
Do not bake the seeds for more than 20 minutes as it can destroy their nutrients.
Sprinkle the seeds and nuts over meals, blend it with a fruit or mix it with juice to enjoy to the fullest.
8. Fish:
The most commonly available source of magnesium in a non-vegetarian diet is fish.
Fish that can be baked, grilled, broiled or fried.
A 100 grams fillet of mackerel fish provides 97 milligrams of magnesium.
Other magnesium-rich foods include turbot, Pollock, halibut, tuna and salmon fish.
In addition, fish is rich in potassium, selenium, B vitamins and various other nutrients.
A high intake of fatty fish has been linked to a decreased risk of several chronic diseases, particularly heart disease.
Do not deep-fry the fish as it significantly reduces its magnesium content.
9. Beans and Lentils:
Beans and lentils are complete protein foods.
A cup of cooked soybean provides 86 milligram of magnesium, amounting to 22% of the daily value, while a half cup of roasted soybeans provides nearly half the required magnesium for the day.
Other beans and lentils rich in magnesium include white beans, French beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, garbanzo beans, pinto beans and lentils.
Warm up coming winter with spicy black bean chili, or try making easy black bean dip for your next gathering.
10. Tofu:
Tofu is an excellent meat substitute for vegetarian or just looking to switch things up a bit.
Made by pressing soybean milk into soft white curds, it’s also known as bean curd.
Half a cup of tofu has 37 mg of magnesium.
Additionally, some studies suggest that eating tofu may protect the cells lining your arteries and reduce your risk of stomach cancer.
The National Institutes of Health recommends the following daily intake of magnesium:
- Children 1-3 years: 80 mg, 4-8 years: 130 mg, 9-13 years: 240 mg
- Teens 14-18 years: boys 410 mg and girls 360 mg
- Adults 19-30 years: men 400 mg and women 310 mg
- Adults 31+ years: men 420 mg and women 320 mg
Add these magnesium-rich foods in your diet for your daily dose of health.
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