Last updated on September 16th, 2020 at 11:47 am
Our blog is now finally open for Guest Posting by Health and Wellness Writers.

Some complementary benefits of Guest Posting on BlissLife are mentioned below:
- A reputed platform to publish your writing works. (Get Details)
- Improvement of your own blog stats (if you already have one). (Get Details)
- Opportunity to strengthen your Personal Brand as a writer. (Get Details)
- An instant boost to your fan following. (Get Details)
- And finally, some golden chances to make real money. (Get Details)
You will also get the following perks for your Guest Post(s) on our blog:
- You will get a link to your blog/site (Author Bio).
- You will get a Special Contributor Account with us.
- Your posts will get huge exposure, even if they got old.
- Early access to our Exclusive Offers and Promotions.
- Time to time Money Making Opportunities.
We are currently accepting Guest Contributions on the following topics:
- Tips on Healthy Living.
- Tips on Proper Diet & Nutrition.
- Fitness, Beauty & Wellbeing Tips.
- Motivational Posts.
- Relationship Advises.
Please follow our Guest Posting General Guidelines to make the whole process faster and rewarding for all.
- Your Post MUST be written in Good, Simple, and Error-Free English.
- Your Post MUST be at least 1,500 words long (longer are better).
- Your Post MUST contain at least 3-4 High Quality Legally Safe Images. We love Safe Videos, too.
- Your Post MUST contain appropriate Inbound and Outbound Link(s).
- You Posts (including Images, Video, etc.) SHOULD be Search Engine Optimized.
In other words, we expect High-Quality Guest Posts from you.
Please review the Important (and Final) Notes mentioned below before making your mind for Guest Posting here.
Article Quality:
Here, at BlissLife, we are SERIOUS about Quality. We, therefore, request you to Submit your Best and Very Original Articles only for Guest Posting. Your articles should belong to any of the Topics for Guest Blogging and MUST comply with the General Guidelines for Guest Posting in full.
Credit for Original Work:
We respect Original Works by the Individuals or, Organizations by giving proper credits for the same whenever we use them. So, please follow our culture and give proper credit when it is due. For example, if you post/use a picture/video/statement or, anything else (that does not belong to you) to make your argument stronger, please convey the due credit appropriately to whom it may concern. This is Important.
Screenshots and Videos:
We strongly encourage you to use the Images (or, Screenshots) and Videos as much as you need to make your Guest Post stands out from the crowd, as long as all of those are Legally Safe for everyone. Currently, we support YouTube Videos in Embedded Format only.
We allow genuine contribution and don’t encourage any kind of Self-Promotion, Affiliate Marketing, Low-Quality Link Building, or, anything like those. However, you can opt for a no-follow link (Do-Follow/No-Follow) to your blog/social media profile in your Author Bio only. But you will get a chance to build a brand for yourself by contributing a guest post to BlissLife.
We DO NOT tolerate any kind of Copyright Violation. If anyone does so, we immediately ban him/her from our community.
Please understand that, by Submitting an Article to blisslife, you are also transferring the complete ownership of the same to us. This will helps us to deal with all DMCA related issues that can arise afterward.
Blog Subscription:
We expect you to be an Active Subscriber of blisslife in order to become familiar with this blog and write better content for us. You can Subscribe Now. However, it is NOT mandatory in any way. Great contents always win.
Commenting is an integrated part of the whole Blisslife Community. You should answer all comments you receive after publishing a Guest Post here. This will give you more exposure and help out your readers.
If you are still there and feeling comfortable with everything that is mentioned above,
Congratulations, you have won the Half-Battle!
Now, please go ahead and fill-up the Guest Blogging Application Form given below.
Once we verify and accept your Application for Guest Blogging, we will send you the Login Credentials of your Special Contributor Account on BlissLife via E-Mail so that you can start drafting your First Guest Post for us right away.
The whole process generally takes 1-2 workdays. Please keep patience and allow us to work at our best.
Guest Blogging Application Form
You can also write us directly here: